Free Resource For Parents Near Richmond, Va

How to Educate Your Child

God's Way In Today's World

Your Child's Education Matters

Over the last few years, we've seen our society...

Diminish The Role Of Parents

Today’s education system actively keeps parents out of the conversation. Other adults are injecting their values into the classroom and your household, having mature conversations without involving you.

Push A One Size Fits All Approach

Children are shuffled through a one size fits all system without their individual and unique needs or talents being considered.

Promote A Life Without God

The most important thing is your child’s relationship with God. At a young age, it needs to be intentionally nurtured every day. However, today we rarely see conversations of faith happening.

Educate Your Child God's Way

In this PDF resource, you'll learn practical ways to...

Provide A Well-Rounded Education

It’s important that you stimulate your child’s creativity and equip their problem-solving skills.

Teach Practical Life Skills

In addition to academics, your child needs to learn practical life skills to help them thrive in their health, finances, and relationships.

Pursue A Life Centered On Christ

The world wants your child to adopt their system of values. Help your child learn the value of a relationship with Jesus, and the new life He has called them to.

Meet Your Guide,

Pastor Lee Mitchell

Lee and his wife Erica are the proud parents of two young daughters. Lee pastors New Life Church, while Erica is a Nurse Practitioner working with children. They have a huge heart for the east end of Greater Richmond and are excited to be a part of what God is doing in our community.

Free Resource For Parents Near Richmond, Va

How to Educate Your Child God's Way In Today's World

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